In this article, we highlight research case study of self governing, consensus protocols for data integrity of an open source AI network. 

Open Constitution Network is a public association of human and electronic persons. Open Constitution network uses decentralized electronic registries for certifying electronic ledger contracts between peer to peer nodal subnets. 

Powered by a cross jurisdictional data residency, machine computing platform, Open Constitution network case study asserts a case to set up an Inter-governmental, UNO type framework for the Planet Earth’s Public AI system. 

Such an extra territorial organization can be based on international legal instruments between participating stakeholders e.g treaty.

Planet Earth’s open source AI network carries extra territorial characteristics. This is visible broadly in the case study of the active, public, open source AI hosted on the Open Constitution network. Let us dive a little further.

What is the Open Constitution Network?

Open Constitution Network is a public information system. It is contributed by natural and legal persons from different time zones. In theory, the network AI should be accessible through many mobile apps and websites or domain specific services. 

The real time status of the Open Constitution network is listed here.

“A spatial representation of Intellectual Property Estate of network participants i.e natural persons, legal persons and electronic persons(if accorded a legal persons status), which is publicly accessible.”

Open Constitution network AI runs on self governance protocols, laid out in the network‘s Articles of Association. These articles serve as an AI governance framework. The articles of association for participants of the Open Constitution network are amendable.;

Natural persons can currently influence change to the Open Constitution articles. Natural persons affiliated to legal bodies in the Open Constitution network can also amend the Open Constitution articles.

What are extraterritorial organizations and bodies?                                                               

According to NACE Rev. 2, “Activities of Extraterritorial Organizations and Bodies” has one division, one group and one class.  Unlike most industries included in the NACE classification, extraterritorial organizations and bodies, mainly provide non-market services and engage in non-market transactions. Consequently, their non-market output can be measured roughly by adding up their costs, including: intermediate consumption, compensations of employees, consumption of fixed capital and other taxes on production.   The class level activities of Extraterritorial Organizations and Bodies include the activities of international organizations, such as the United Nations and the specialized agencies of the United Nations system, regional bodies etc., the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the World Customs Organization (WCO), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) , the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) , the European Communities, the European Free Trade Association etc. This class also includes the activities of diplomatic and consular missions when being determined by the country of their location rather than by the country they represent.

The activities of Extraterritorial Organizations and Bodies can be outlined as follows.

Extraterritorial organizations and bodies provide platforms that are instrumental for advanced international cooperation in a wide-ranging areas including, global peace, human rights, equal opportunity, international trade, economic development, economic growth and financial and economic stability, extreme poverty, sustainable economic development, and protecting the environment.  Their wide-ranging main activities include, establishing peaceful relations among member nations, providing basic human needs and humanitarian aid for the underprivileged members of the global community, regulating international trade and interactions among sovereign states.

This article highlights a case for setting up an inter governmental organization for open source, publicly accessible, Artificial Intelligence(AI), based on a treaty or a similar international legal instrument signed between participating countries.

Why is the Open Constitution network an extra territorial organization?

Open Constitution network is an extraterritorial organization of human-machine intelligence. Open Constitution network is an organization of intellectual assets, pooled by both humans and machines. The Open Constitution network’s spatial registry can also be seen as an Intellectual Property(IP) hub or estate. 

This IP estate is set up for self governance by the participating members. The self-governance system is maintained on the network, which runs itself using laid down Global Statutes: Open Constitution Articles of Association.  

Open Constitution network distributes intellectual property to network members, through a spatial representation, and which is accessible through a public electronic media network.

Maintaining the electronic media representation of the Open Constitution network requires spatial infrastructure such as computing servers and media infrastructure for media distribution, publishing legal and financial instruments etc. so that humans can access the network’s intelligence. 

Open Constitution network is a non classifiable establishment, since it engages in non market event of pooling creations of mind in the form of an information arrangement.

In theory, any service on the Open Constitution network is for the member(s) of this pool aggregate, and is a non-market service. Any service results primarily in exchanging trust by sharing ‘information’ or ‘intelligence’.

This trust is exchanged through a medium called social credits. Social Credits are accounted for in the Open Source Treasury of the network. As a consequence of the membership to the Open Constitution network, the access to the pool of I.P estate, is tokenized through these social credits. 

The relationship between members and the network is therefore known as E Residency or E Tenancy – depending on the type of member

  • E Residency for natural persons;
  • E tenancy for a group of natural persons organized as a legal body.
  • Any active electronic contract on the Open Constitution network is always between a member and the network. In practice, the contracts are deployed as smart contracts on a public ledger e.g blockchain. These contracts possess the characteristics of encryption, auditability, and verifiability. Any active contract on the Open Constitution network uses a non-market financial instrument. Contract events are themselves a consequence of voluntary membership to the network’s intelligence assets. 
  • A joining member is sharing trust and receiving trust, to access intelligence. The pool of intelligence assets are amassed by the preceding set of union of members.  

Therefore, legal bodies with appropriate legal format(sometimes specific to the Industry Code used in a jurisdictional conventions) can be registered in an appropriate business register, of an economic jurisdiction of a member state of U.N.O. These constituent bodies of the Open Constitution network can also act as Registrars. These constituent bodies can also act for creating spatial infrastructure for any economic activities or exchange with the market participants. 

Now, a few questions come to our mind! Let‘s find their answer.

  1. How would we describe a global organization, association, co-operative, union or an assembly which runs the Open Constitution network ?

If one is accessing the Open Constitution network assets like apps, services or information access corridors, it is basically a result of human collaboration. 

Humans collaborating their intellectual creativity and property rights across different jurisdictional barriers.

In simpler words, the Open Constitution network is a pool of creations of mind. Creations can be anything – but necessarily open source, for the greater good of humanity.

Who are the humans, who are part of the network?

The participating members of the pool are not Europeans, Indians, Americans or Chinese. They are not described as man, woman or non-binary. They are not Hindus, Muslims or Christians or any other existential belief systems. These humans are not white, black or green skin. They are not capitalist or socialist or communists. They are not right, left or centrist. They are not straight, homosexuals or asexual. Perhaps they are all and yet they are none. 

In fact, homosapiens are so diverse, that the network cannot organise a global intelligence, ignoring the species‘ diversity, which blossoms through how a human primate looks, feels, and behaves, while interacting with subliminal stimuli.

Participating members are just self aware and self conscious organisms, who can share their intellectual observations, on the network, bounded by epistemological justice, and undeterred by the very epistemological classifiers which they themselves may be individually characterized with. That is the true essence of the AI hosted on the Open Constitution network.

An ethical intelligence, Open Constitution Network AI for social good

Diverse human participation has proven crucial for organising an unbiased, credible intelligence pool. Open Constitution Network AI is unadulterated from corruption and ideas associated with an eccentric belief system.

This can prove critical in dismantling pseudo, mis characterizations and mis representations of a specific group of belief systems into a networked, open source, intelligence agent. Open Constitution network AI learns and integrates information into its model with ethical representation of information.   

So, an active state of the Open Constitution network is a result of a global interconnection of human intelligence and machine intelligence. It is therefore an open source body of knowledge.

An illustration of knowledge in the form of services is hosted on a network of machines. Open source AI‘s knowledge graph is contributed by both humans and machines.

  1. What is Open Source, in the context of knowledge, which is hosted, or that the Open Constitution network produces as a result of its self perpetuation?

In the context of all knowledge hosted on the Open Constitution network, ‘open source’ means a lifecycle state of an ‘’object’’ of quantum observation, whose source can be accessed (also changed, or destroyed) with an open, or permissive or very slightly permissive(but not entirely closed) governance, which increases transparency in the traceability of the source and lifecycle of the observed object.

  1. Is the Open Constitution network’s spatial representation – some sort of global AI?

Yes, it is an open source AI, preferably a knowledge intelligence, augmented by contributions made by human members of the Open Constitution network (read: Association).

‘’Open Constitution network is an artificial intelligence network, which is accessible on the world wide web.’’ 

The Open Constitution network’s data residency already spans across different territorial representations on the planet Earth, through computing machines, integrations between different types of machine instructions, and functional dependencies of these machine instructions on each other, and on the human members, augmenting the network with human creativity.  

  1. How does a human member augment the Open Constitution network intelligence?

In simpler words, when an Open Constitution network‘s human member voluntarily contributes to any of the intellectual property spaces, a human member augments the machine intelligence.

Essentially, Open Constitution network hosts a pool of intellectual assets(intellectual property contributed in a linear series by a member).

The network hosts the intellectual assets through self governing, digital public goods and services e.g Open-Bank Portal, and this Councilpost publications.

In theory, all non market services(social good) should be accessible for free, or at a total cost of ownership, which makes the service independently sustainable when it exchanges with market services and that only the members of the Open Constitution network can access these services, by means of registration of their membership rights. 

  1. How does the network AI self govern itself?  

Articles of the Open Constitution describe rules and procedures for natural persons and legal persons in order to access the network resources e.g services, or to contribute to the Open Constitution network. 

The same set of Articles also lay down protocols for electronic persons (machines e.g robots etc.) to access and run network resources and contribute, including hosting and expanding the network itself.

  1. How is the ‘Open Source’ nature of the network’s assets enforced with property exclusion rights?

Acceptable Usage: Open source AI is powerful and carries the risk of destroying political, social or economic stability of a geopolitical region w.r.t public opinion and thus having a material effect on the reality of several group(s) of human beings.

The Open Constitution network enforces acceptable usage by sanctioning its accessibility in conflict zones or where human leadership is showing signs of a degraded civil society e,g warring nations. 

Property Rights: Licenses allow for determining or enforcing property rights e.g exclusion criteria. The usage rights are self governed by the Network AI, through the Open Constitution License: The network is open source, and rights thereof intellectual contents(read assets) on the network are governed by the Open Constitution license.

Data Residency of the network: The network’s data is hosted on computing resources across the world. Open Constitution network possesses an extraterritorial organization, which spans across more than one social, civil or economic jurisdictions of one of the member states of U.N.O.

Regional Representation: The network is represented by an agent, having a character of a legal person(s) in each member state, known as registered agent or fiscal host(and fiscal node for machine instructions library.)

So, the Open Constitution network represents a global association, which has assets pooled by its members. The rights thereof to these assets are governed by the articles of association of Open Constitution. 

These articles state that the network can also regulate commercial activities in relation to these intellectual property rights, through registered agents or fiscal hosts.  Since these registered agents perform economic activity on behalf of the Open Constitution network, the legal persons or bodies should be registered, in accordance with appropriate business laws, and enrolled in a business register of the appropriate jurisdiction.

  1. So, we established that such an AI is a global resource. Then why in the Earth’s name are any regional representation of network, registered in a U.N.O member country’s business register, by the network participants?

These legal bodies act as fiscal bodies or registered agents for the purpose of procuring and facilitating resources, data processing and control, trading and non trading activities, and exchange with market participants.

Building and maintaining the Open Constitution network requires exchanging values with different stakeholders of the market activities, even if, in most cases, services deployed on the Open Constitution network are declared as a public asset.

For e.g the global network requires computing servers to run machine code, which displays e.g open research or host a smart service that assist humans. 

The network trades with vendors and partners, through one of its registered agents. This brings up the transparency levels of the Open Constitution network, since the registered agents operate using the same articles of association, as the rest of the network.

Thus, the extra-territorial Open Constitution network’s ability to own assets is being extrapolated, within the purview of business laws of a local economic jurisdiction, for and on behalf of the members of the Open Constitution network. 

Generally, in the context of any market activity conducted by a registered agent of the  Open Constitution network(legal bodies affiliated to the Open Constitution network), creations of mind mean intellectual assets are well defined on the network. 

(You can also read some fine prints here; Open Source Policy, I.P Lifecycle Policy and Acceptable Usage Policy of the Open Constitution network)

Read more about Fiscal Nodes on the Open Constitution network.

Another relevant read is a primer, we released last year.

Research Primer on Open Trust

‘’Know more about open source, Open Constitution Network case study. Discover how humans augment machine intelligence for a social sustainable, democratization of intelligence.’’

The sustainable active state of the Open Constitution network intelligence brings insights into planet Earth’s extra territorial AI and technology governance union. 

Our observation highlights a ‘regulatory technology’ case study of an open source AI network where we have discovered a decentralized framework of Open source Data exchange protocols. 

The case study makes use of a global AI platform which governs itself using self governing consensus protocols.

Citations and References:,Signing%20also%20creates%20an%20obligation%2C%20in%20the%20period%20between%20signing,valid%20reservations%2C%20understandings%20and%20declarations.,Intergovernmental%20Organizations%20(IGOs)%20are%20created%20by%20states%20through%20multilateral%20treaties,and%20purposes%20of%20the%20organization.

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